RADMA: celebrating 40 years – using consumer behaviours for business model innovation
“‘Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work’ Peter Druker is quoted as saying but I have found that in many
“‘Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work’ Peter Druker is quoted as saying but I have found that in many
Combining organisational behaviour research with innovation and technology management to come up with a innovation process based on behavioural basis rather than structure is the
Characterising the emergence of technology ventures by applying roadmapping principles, is the theme of Yuta Hirose, research supported by RADMA.
My PhD research, supported by RADMA, is on interconnected influence factors at the front-end stage of innovation processes, using a systems theory perspective
RADMA funded fieldwork for Xuezi Ma’s research on plastic reduction in packaging for the Fast Moving Consumer Goods sector. She interviewed 15 companies across Europe
As Tesla engineers announce they are extending the life expectance of car batteries to 10 years. This RADMA scholar discusses his interest in the one
Maximising value from strategic resources, is the most influential motivation for R&D collaboration. Kyung Ju Han found hospitals partnered with universities to gain grant funding
For 40 years RADMA has supported research and provided opportunities to share best practice
Digitisation and connectivity are changing the product lifecycle model comments Antti Lyyra, support by RADMA allowed him to present his paper at the Innovation and
The Internet of Things products and services aim to increase organisational value and turnover. Boyeun Lee is developing guidelines on new product development processes for
Rise of Fab Spaces and the impact on innovation is a research interest of Valeria Dammicco, one of many students supported by RADMA over the
The RADMA trustees meeting was hosted by Wiley Business in Oxford
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