How can we make a difference in a world ‘awash with ideas’? This is one of the keynote addresses at the R&D Management Conference 1-5 July 2017, which provides an opportunity to hear the latest thinking in this progressive field.
The conference starts with a keynote lecture by Prof Ralph Katz, Senior Lecturer for Technological Innovation at MIT.
Prof Katz will be reviewing developments in R&D Management over the last 40 years based on his experiences of working with major industrial corporations including Procter & Gamble, Lockheed Martin, Goodrich, EMC, Nokia, Novartis, Medtronic, Tetra Pak and the Lawrence Livermore and Los Alamos National Laboratories.
This will be followed by Prof. Roberto Verganti, Politecnico di Milano, discussing the current situation where the world is full of opportunities with many more ideas than the market can absorbed and where people feel overwhelmed by the pace of change.
He makes the point that many of the tools designed to manage innovation were developed 20 years ago before the digital transformation and may be inadequate for the situation today.
The third keynote lecture is by Dr Rudi Pauwels, CEO of Biocartis. Dr Puwels, previously of the company Tibotec-Virco (now part of Johnson&Johnson), proved very successful in developing several anti-HIV agents which are today saving thousands of patient lives, and his new company builds on those ideas. He explains that taking the original concept to market created challenges.
He says: “We pioneered the concept of tailoring anti-HIV treatment regimens to individual patient needs based on a molecular analysis of the viruses circulating in each of those patients. Although the medical impact was clear, scaling those diagnostic services and making them available on a global basis proved a challenge in cost, quality and turn-around times.” He will be discussing his experiences at the conference.
There will also be an opportunity to meet with some of the RADMA committee with both Dr. Jeremy Klein, RADMA Chairman, and Prof. Ellen Enkel, Chair of Innovation Management, involved in the opening sessions alongside conference chair Prof. Koenraad Debackere and Prof. Luc Sels, KU Leuven, Dean Faculty of Economics and Business.
The full programme can be accessed here.
Prof Ralph Katz: Human Side of Managing Technological Innovation
Prof Roberto Verganti: “Overcrowded. Designing Meaningful Products in a World Awash with Ideas” released during Milan Design Week 2017
Dr Rudi Pauwels: About Biocartis