Meet the editors at R&D Management Conference 2022
Leading journals will be participating in the tracks at the R&D Management Conference and several have special issues based on the theme of the track.
Leading journals will be participating in the tracks at the R&D Management Conference and several have special issues based on the theme of the track.
Managing pharmaceutical drug development is a world apart from managing software development. The timescales are different, the costs are different and the people are different
The organisers of the R&D Management Conference 2022 “Innovation for people and territories” have opened the call for abstract submissions.
Alberto Nucciarelli, Associate Professor at the University of Trento, announced that the R&D Management Conference 2022 would be held in the Dolomite mountains of northern
The 2022 conference was hosted by Università di Trento from 11 – 13 July 2022, with the PhD Colloquium on 9 and 10 July. This
Now is the time to change – inspirational speakers provide their insights in the three plenary sessions at the R&D Management Conference
African firms are innovative but unsupported, argues Xiaolan Fu in her most recent book ‘Innovation Under the Radar’. The book provides the first survey-based analysis
“Although the pandemic has stimulated digital innovations and digitisation of many B2C sectors, the pandemic has made it more difficult for companies developing ‘hard’ technologies,”
2021 marks the centenary of Chris Freeman’s birth, founder of the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU). An influential economist and science policy advisor, he argued
The rate of innovation during the pandemic has increased, research has revealed, but the long term implications are less certain. Bram Timmermans comments that in
Greater use of tools and techniques for innovation will have lasting impacts after the crisis, according to Charles Henry Noble, editor in chief of the
The Doctoral Colloquium of the R&D Management Conference 2021 will be held on 6 July 2021. This vibrant online event, will take a workshop style
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