Spotting and communicating issues is a drive for organisational improvement, but all too often the whistle-blowers are punished. Dr Ieva Martinaityte explores how speaking out
Without creativity, how are young people to participate in the exciting world of innovation and development that those of us involved in RADMA find so
At the heart of Europe’s slow growth lies its innovation deficit. Europe does not capitalise enough on the knowledge it has and produces.
Creativity can seem quite a messy discipline, but I find it useful to categorise it into 4 aspects: process, people, product and place, based on
Many R&D managers will recognise the feeling of being asked to achieve a complex multifaceted project with an apparently impossible timescale and distracting internal politics,
Call for papers for the R&D Management Conference 2017 special session Intellectual property management for Sustainable Innovation.
The great thing about having a genuine variety of ideas, is that it very substantially reduces the risk of R&D. This is because variety stimulates
Brainstorming often seems simple, but it isn’t, as Anne Miller and Ieva Martinaityte discuss in the first of our podcasts about creativity.
Creative work is often marked by an impasse. Exercising helps your conscious mind to relax, and your inner critic to rest. You might be surprised
When done well, by the right sort of people, with an experienced facilitator, a brainstorm has real strengths and can produce large numbers of ideas.
Wouldn’t it be great if you knew that caring about your own creativity could help your team to live up to their creative potential?
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