Ideation and creativity in R&D
Creativity and ideation is a vital part of the R&D process and one that is of great interest to managers. Creativity can seem quite a
Creativity and ideation is a vital part of the R&D process and one that is of great interest to managers. Creativity can seem quite a
Traditional marketing techniques often prove to be ineffective for the design and diffusion of truly innovative offers, hence the need for a real “innovation marketing”
Design thinking is challenging because it involves something more fundamental than managing change: It involves discovering what change is needed. Rick Mitchell has found this
With the increase in use of online ideation platforms to harness creativity, it is important that ideas are fairly judged, without bias, and that the
Crowdsourcing has the potential to deliver high-value solutions at very low cost, according to Christopher L. Tucci Professor of Management of Technology. Female solvers, in
By using AI at the front end of invention the ideas are not subject to personal bias. However, human evaluation of the options is still
To compete effectively in a marketplace marked by turbulence, those that place an emphasis on the soft skills will have an advantage, argue authors of
The quality of our ideas can be improved by connecting different concepts and building on existing ideas. In fact, researchers showed that over five weeks
It is the experience of autonomy, competence and relatedness that fuels an inner drive. Creating a work environment that satisfies intrinsic motivations will help you
Ieva is a lecturer in Business and Management at University of East Anglia
Anne is an innovator, entrepreneur and Director of the Creativity Partnership
Thinking creatively about the low carbon transition can stimulate new thinking and motivate staff to innovate; bringing big benefits to the bottom line, both now
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